Customer Success

Brossard, Québec

La ville de Brossard devient un chantier de construction important tout en réalisant simultanément plusieurs projets qui ont eu une incidence sur la mobilité et la fluidité de la circulation sur un réseau routier de 300 km.

En juillet 2018, la ville a acquis le logiciel d'OPA dans le cadre d'un projet pilote dans le but d'optimiser la gestion des obstacles routiers et de la mobilité de la circulation en temps réel sur son territoire. À la fin du projet pilote, la Ville a accordé un abonnement pluriannuel à OPA Software dans le cadre d'un appel d'offres public.

Nature and Complexity of the Project

OPA Software allowed the city to better manage the project by informing users through alerts about conflicts between them; and putting in place a chain of approval to better the communication between the different stakeholders.OPA highlights conflicts between the various projects within Brossard’s territory informing users through software alerts. The software supports any type of obstruction impacting mobility, whether total or partial closures of roads, sidewalks or bike paths and the selection of detours.

OPA enables the optimization of planning and managing obstructions by simplifying and maximizing collaboration between numerous city departments such as Planning, Public Works and Engineering, with stakeholders from the Ministry of Transportation, Hydro-Québec, city of Longueuil, the Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec (CDPQ Infra) as well as any other organizations that have access through Brossard’s license with OPA Technologies.

In partnership with Waze, the GPS navigation software app, and Brossard, OPA acts as a provider of traffic data to both partners. The traffic data is displayed on the city’s website via public map.

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Key Benefits

New regulations can be challenging for the city to manage in the public domain. The OPA user experience makes it easy for stakeholders to embrace the notification process minimizing the challenges of change management by the city’s internal teams and external stakeholders
As part of an integrated management approach, OPA can define and set up the chain of the review and approval of the obstacles and their detours
OPA “document attachment” feature facilitates access to information on permits, signage plans, drawings, and numerous other documents
When updating a project, different mappings and static tools require numerous manual data entering and extraction which is not time or energy efficient. OPA offers a more effective way of doing so by integrating the ArcGIS platform
The city has control of the information shared with the external shareholders. OPA allows for the creation of different types of user accounts with various access rights, giving selective access to specific obstructions or areas of the city

Innovative Components

User experience and user interface (UX/UI): Field workers with the Public Works Department are equipped with tablets allowing them to log into OPA and access project information faster, locate closures, send notifications, take pictures and teach them to the projects, verify permits and deter conflicts in real-time
Automated and secured data exchange: There are features dedicated to the Communications team that enable publishing of road closures on a public map, informing impacted parties with an automated PDF document with a map, and sharing data to Waze
Public map accessible via the city’s website: Chosen projects and specific information are only shared to the public by OPA users. In real-time, citizens can view reliable information on the map for locations of road closures and detours. This can be done by any OPA user giving the department more autonomy rather than asking the IT or Geomatic department to update their information
User diversity: Great visibility and transparency are offered by providing important information access to the general public and a multitude of external/internal stakeholders. The internal OPA user can also choose specific information and when to share it
Often, teams from different departments are challenged to work on the same project simultaneously. Despite this, the functionalities offered by the software allowed us to get the job done efficiently in these types of situations by minimizing the need to remain in continuous communication throughout the process.
Alexandre Nguyen, eng.
Traffic Analyst Engineering Department, City of Brossard

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