Customer Success

Gatineau, Québec

During the spring of 2021, the City of Gatineau acquired a full license of OPA’s software. Their main goal was to optimize the communication between their different departments. The City of Gatineau is a city located in western Quebec with an area of 380.6 km2.

Nature and Complexity of the Project

During the implementation and the configuration of the OPA Software for Gatineau, a lot of different organizations were involved. OPA’s cloud based collaborative platform empowers numerous internal departments and external organizations to communicate in real-time reliable information and simplify collaboration. Moreover, the software allows you to create a multi-layer information optimizing decision making.

By working with OPA , the city is able to maximize communication and collaboration between its numerous departments:

Public Works
CANU 311
CAU 911
Service Centres

Key Benefits

Real Time conflicts detection
Better communication between all the different parties
Coordinate and integrate all types of projects within the territory
Optimizes traffic detour decisions
Micro management by project and macro management by user-accessible territory

Innovative Components

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